Reorders includes refill requests that can be done by phone or (Phone Orders) or via paper/new application (Paper). It also includes Re-enrollments for the annual re-enrollment process for most programs.


If a record is highlighted in PINK, this means the patient has reorders left to be ordered. You can either create a REORDER to request a new refill and then process a Re-enrollment. OR, you can just process the full re-enrollment. Whichever is best for your facility is fine.




1: Click on


The system will sort the reorders by Phone Reorders, Paper Reorders, Re-enrollments and Reordered.

1 Phone Reorders - those which can be called in or ordered on the programs web portal

2 Paper Orders - either require a refill form signed by the physician OR a brand new application for each refill

3 Re-Enrollments - one year annual re-enrollment into the program when all financials, etc. are needed

4 Reordered - any reorder or re-enrollment already processed in the system



2: Search for reorders by any of the search criteria available - Dates, location, user, patient name, patient ID, program, or drug and click   The system will then find ALL reorders (Phone, Paper and Re-enrollments) for that search criteria. The number in parenthesis next to each tab shows if you have any on that tab which fits the criteria entered.

Example: Beginning Date: 12/1/2018 and Ending Date: 12/31/2018 shows 2 Phone Reorders

Reorders highlighted green are Auto Reorders

Reorders highlighted pink are ones where the re-enrollment was done early but there are still reorders left.


Click here for how to process Phone Reorders

Click here for how to process Paper Reorders

Click here for how to process Re-enrollments