Paper Reorders are those programs which required either a refill form (usually signed by the physician) or a brand new enrollment form for each refill.


1: To process a paper reorder, click on the Reorder link to the right of the drug to reorder.


2: This will create the new tracking/ledger entry for the drug. Select the Application tab to print off necessary documents (application, etc.)


If the program has a REFILL or form specific for REENROLLMENTS, you will find those listed like this:



3: Select the Tracking tab to enter the most appropriate, if needed. Usually either sent to patient or sent to physician since most paper reorders require at least a physician signature, if not both.


4: You can click  at this time OR click on the Ledger tab to see the Reorder entry, if needed


Be sure to click Save  or Save & Close  if you want to keep any changes made.

Click here to go to the - Re-enrollments